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Feline Boarding Check-In Form

Save time at your next appointment! Please complete your required Boarding Check-In Form online from any device at any time before your visit.

Cat boarding

Boarding Check-In Form

Please complete this form completely and accurately so that we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit. If this is an emergency or your pet requires immediate attention, please call us at 757-410-5533 for a faster response.

Please note:
Once daily medications - $11.50/day
Twice daily medications (or up to two meds/day) - $14.95/day
Three times daily medications (or 3+ meds/day) - $23.00/day

Must Provide Own Food
**Administration of pro-biotic ($1.89/day) to prevent stress diarrhea (highly recommended)**
Requirements for Boarding
  • I verify my pet’s identification tag is correctly filled out and placed on my pet.
  • All animals must be current on all vaccinations. I must provide vaccination history. Those pet(s) not current on all vaccinations may only board if vaccinations are given at time of drop-off. It is highly recommended all vaccinations are updated at least 2 weeks ahead of any planned boarding stay to help ensure adequate disease protection.
  • All animals must be free of external parasites (ex. Ticks, fleas, etc.), or they will be treated at owner's expense.
  • Animals that require daily cleaning (i.e. baths) will be treated and charged an excessive cleaning fee at owner’s expense (~$20.60)
  • Animals that become physically and/or emotionally anxious WILL be prescribed anti-anxiety medications as needed during the duration of their stay at the doctors discretion and the owner’s expense.
  • All animals are required to have fecal tests preformed at the time of drop-off (or within 2 weeks of boarding) to exclude internal parasites (as above).
  • While we do encourage bringing your pet(s) favorite toys/bedding, we are not responsible for any damaged or lost belongings. Please label with indelible marker all food &/or belongings left with your pets name & owners last name.
  • That every reasonable precaution will be used by Barker Animal Hospital against injury, escape, or death of my pet(s).
  • Barker Animal Hospital and its staff will not be liable for any, illness, escape, injury, death that develop, provided all reasonable care and precautions are followed.
  • Personal Property: That owner is solely responsible for any harm, including to any other pet(s), the employees or invitees of Barker Animal Hospital (BAH), or to the equipment, facilities, or other property of BAH caused by owners pet(s). Owner agrees to reimburse for any property damage incurred to by the owner’s pet. Owner also agrees that BAH shall not be responsible or liable for any lost or damaged personal property belonging either to owner or owner’s pet.
  • That any problem that develops will be treated as deemed best by the staff veterinarian and I assume full responsibility for the treatment and expense involved. If these charges exceed $85 every effort will be made to contact me. However, services will not be withheld if you are unable to reach me. For charges less than $85 NO attempt to contact me will be made.
  • *A 50% deposit is required for stays longer than 5 days or additional services such as dental cleaning procedures or other elective procedures*.
  • That if I neglect to pick up my pet within 5 days of the date of this agreement, you may assume that the pet is abandoned and you are hereby authorized to dispose of my pet as you may deem best and necessary.

Pets must be picked up between: Pets must be dropped off between:
9:00am - 2:00pm M-F & Sat. 9:00am - 5:30pm

Pets must be dropped off between:
M-F, 9:00am - 4:30pm Sat. 10am-2pm

Sunday pickup between 10:00am-11:00am ONLY
No drop off’s on Sundays.
No drop off’s or pick up’s on HOLIDAYS in which we are CLOSED.
Please note if your pet stays past 2PM the day of pickup you will be charged for that night as well.

Clear Signature
  • I voluntarily request that Barker Animal Hospital board my pets in the same run or kennel. I understand this to mean that the animals will be housed together in the confines of the requested accommodation for the duration of their stay, unless problems arise.
  • I hereby voluntarily release Barker Animal Hospital, its staff and agents from any and all responsibility or liability arising from injury or damage inflicted by one of my pets on another during their stay.
  • I understand that in the event of such injury or damage, I am liable for all charges of medical services provided by Barker Animal Hospital for treatment of the said injuries or damage.
  • I understand that in the event of aggressive behavior directed against one of my pets by another that the pets will be separated and housed individually for the remainder of their stay. I also understand that I am responsible for any additional boarding charges that may apply under those circumstances.

Pet Boarding Checklist (Belongings) and Consent Form

We are so glad you have chosen to entrust your pet to us. We follow the Fear Free approach for all our patients. Because you know your pet better than anyone, we need your help to make his/her visit Fear Free!

We want Barker Animal Hospital to be your pet’s home away from home, so we ask that you bring as many of the following items with your pet when he/she comes to stay with us:

  • Bed or crate with bedding
  • Bowls that smell familiar
  • Favorite toys
  • Regular food & favorite treats

We want your pet to feel safe and secure in our care. If our veterinarians determine that you pet is concerned or worried and is unable to relax and enjoy him/herself, they may review your pet’s medical record and consider prescribing dietary supplements or medications to help decrease fear and anxiety.

Your signature below indicates that you are aware of all the efforts we are making to give your pet a Fear Free stay and that you understand that dietary supplements and/or anti-anxiety medications may be used as deemed appropriate by the veterinarian.

Clear Signature